Pulling Premise (8 weeks)
This class focuses on using tools like monologues to craft premise-driven scenes -- the building blocks of a solid longform set. You'll strengthen your skills in starting scenes with clear ideas that set the tone, while reinforcing the essentials of building a grounded setup (aka a base reality with a where, who, what) and honest authentic emotional responses. We'll practice revisiting and expanding scenes with multiple beats by exploring and heightening.
Prerequisite: Level 1: Intro to Longform or prior improv experience.
Led by instructor
Rachel Michaela.
Capacity: 16 students max (8 students min)
Cost: $250
Location: Spirit Stage at B Ruppe: 807 4th Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102
This class is brought to you by Improv New Mexico™ (dba Improv NM™ dba Albuquerque Improv™ dba Abq Improv™) and our statewide programming, IMPROV4NewMexico™ (IMPROV4NM™): transforming lives and communities across New Mexico through the power of improv with workshops, classes, training programs, and performances.
™ initiative, we provide professionally led classes on a pay-what-you-can model to encourage community involvement and accessibility. Your contributions enable us to continue offering high-quality services. Join us and be part of a growing community.
Improv New Mexico™ presents our statewide programming: IMPROV4NEWMEXICO™ (IMPROV4NM™).